ADVERTISE WITH US is a bouquet of knowledge based comprehensive guidebooks for different sectors of textiles. It is designed to support the existing and potential entrepreneurs in the entire textile value chain for their forward / backward integration plans, diversification in connected or unconnected streams of textiles, new set ups and for better outputs from their existing textile business.

Keeping market, technology and process analysis as the base, intends to enrich the textile industry with deep insight into reasons behind the success stories as well as failed attempts.

The bouquet comprises 18 textile sector specific business guidebooks, 20 textile sector specific news portals from where the news and articles are culled to feature on this platform and information and learnings from a series of investor conclaves, Sector specific awards, newsletters from textile value chain stakeholders and most importantly a brainstorm platform to discuss and thrash out issues pertaining to general, technical, marketing, processes of your textiles setup.

Marketing Goal:

Textile Business DIGEST:

Textile Business Services: